Hey everybody, thanks for checking back on Clawing at the Walls!
So last week's post is a day late in the posting, no excuses, I'm just crap at keeping to schedules, but what the hey..
So, there have been some hobby updates, in the 2 hours-ish I had for hobby time last week, I did manage to put brush to pewter and made a start on my Sin-Eater Observant:
Early Stages
I'm just blocking in the colours at the moment, but I feel that if I document any progress, regardless of how small, it just might keep me going on this whole blog thing. I guess it's the whole momentum thing, a tiny snowball can quickly become an avalanche providing it rolls for long enough. The Sin-Eater Observants are one of my favourite units in Infinity. In the fluff they are the guards of the Observance, men who have undergone painful and sadistic ritual torture just for the sin of being born male, fitted with neural implants that jack up their reaction speeds to inhuman levels. They are reactive-turn beasts and are armed with some of the heaviest weaponry in the Bakunin Jurisdictional Command and the models are just bad-ass looking.
Usually the 'core' of any of my Infinity lists will include a Sin Eater with Mk12, which for me is the right balance between punch and price, so I wanted to prioritize painting him up as he's nearly always seeing table time. Colours so far are GW Codex Grey on the trousers and some other areas, GW Mechanicus Standard Grey on the left shoulder, GW Ulthuan Grey on the rest of the longcoat, P3 Frostbite on the armour plates and GW Goblin Green on the ribbing. Eventually both the armour and the longcoat will both be white, but I want to experiment using different basecoats to achieve a different white for each area (note, I'm a traditionalist in some regards, when I paint white I start with an off-white basecoat and work up using many many layers of very thin white, oh and I'm also a bit of a masochist). His base is self-built using plasticard and some flexible resin power-cable from Zinge Industries, the yellow will eventually be hazard-striped. I haven't quite decided what to do with the Mk12 itself yet, but despite all the naysayers I will probably use some metallic paint on it.
In other hobby news, I made a start on my HoTT Skaven army, but came unstuck when I tried to remove all the extra metal that gets stuck to the bottoms of miniatures of this scale, it's a byproduct of the casting process, but it's lumpy, uneven and adds a good 1mm of height to these already 'large for 10mm' miniatures, I tried sandpaper but it wasn't sturdy enough so I think I'm going to have to invest in a heavy duty file to get rid of the excess metal.
Outside of the hobby world, I came across this bad boy in a mother-and-baby store:
The Alleged Squid
Yep, that's right, it's a gigantic plushie (the tentacles are about 18" long plus a good 12" of body) of a
Humboldt Squid. I knew then and there I had to buy this for my son, because in my mind, nothing can express the overwhelming love I have for my little dude like a cuddly toy cephalopod apex predator! needless to say, at 3 months old, a giant red floppy thing with eyes the size of golf balls completely flabbergasts him, but I'm planning ahead to when he's a toddler, and he can truly appreciate it and insists on dragging it everywhere by the tentacles.
Anyway, I appear to have finished my beer (Asahi super dry, for anyone that's interested) and I have work in the morning, so I'm going to sign off now. Thanks for reading and tune in next week for another installment in the nerdy world of Leigen_Zero!